Get to know us

Hypnosis Healers was formed by the serendipitous meeting of a group of women seeking change. It soon became obvious that combining our unique gifts would assist others in obtaining their infinite wisdom and their ability to heal.

We are transformational healers using hypnosis, theta wave frequencies and workshops to facilitate your transformation journey. We create a sacred healing space where we hold you as you raise your vibrational energy in joy and healing.

Currently, we offer wellness retreats and hypnosis services across North America.

Our mission

We recognize how powerful our own healing journey has been and are on a mission to help heal others.

Our commitment is to create empowering shifts for women.

Our vision

We hold the vision of a healed and healthy world full of love.

We aim to empower women and guide them towards a place of self-love, acceptance, and respect. By embracing their unique journey and inner strength, women can undergo incredible transformations that will not only shape their own lives but also inspire those around them.

Meet Your Facilitators

HYPNOSIS HEALERS is composed of a group of wellness experts with a focus on mental and emotional wellbeing.

Our passion is to provide holistic, one-of-a-kind services that help to empower who you really are. This group was formed from a serendipitous meeting of women seeking change with a passion to create powerful shifts for other women.

If you are ready for change, are at a crossroads, are experiencing challenges in your everyday life, or simply want more holistic self care, we invite you to join.

Hellen Buttigieg describes her first in-person meeting of group which lead to the formation of the Hypnosis Healers.

Get in Touch

Have a question? Get in touch and we will respond as soon as possible.