What Does it Mean to Be a Goddess?

Let’s examine the word Goddess for our own personal use.

Jenn Silvaggi

1/11/20243 min read

In the realm of personal development and self-discovery, a debate arises about embracing the term "Goddess." Some may question whether using this powerful word in course titles or referring to oneself is appropriate. The concern lies in the fear that it might suggest claiming divine abilities. However, we need to deeply explore what it truly means when we call ourselves goddesses. Let's embark on a journey of self-reflection and uncover the essence within each of us.

When we call someone a goddess, it's usually meant as a compliment. It signifies that they possess qualities we admire. Being labelled a goddess doesn't always imply timeless beauty or mystical powers but rather an appreciation for their unique traits. However, some may be cautious to embrace this title if it suggests unrealistic expectations, unnecessary pressures or assumptions. Further, some simply feel discomfort claiming any magical abilities. The above is just the voice of doubt inside our heads, trying to live up to some extrinsic standard.

For some, embracing these qualities is a challenge. Society teaches us to be humble and downplay the goddess-like essence that radiates from within us. Expressing ourselves through our walk, dress style, or interactions is just the tip of what might be considered acceptable to some conservatives. Proclaiming a goddess-like state may push boundaries. Never mind displaying our mint-like brilliance; remember, we hold infinite power and potential. Every woman possesses magical properties, beauty, and energy deep within her. There is no mystery about that.

Consequently, I challenge every woman to embrace the term goddess. By doing so, you are embracing your uniqueness fearlessly and will blossom into the incredible force of nature you are destined to be. In fact, if you consider the law of attraction or the law of assumption, putting out the energy of a goddess only tells the universe that we expect nothing less than what a goddess deserves.

I challenge you in your daily activities to utilize the word goddess in your communications. First, write what you usually would, then go back and install the word goddess where you see fit. For example: "This morning, I worked out, washed my hair, and got some chores done." Edit: "This morning, I am feeling like a goddess; I took care of my needs and my family's. I feel unstoppable." Can you feel the change in energy from the first sentence to the next? Try this and see what comes up for you. For me: The first sentence feels like a completed checklist, and the second feels like a woman on fire!

Just imagine the incredible things we could manifest if we all internally affirmed our magic, beauty, and innate gifts. By wholeheartedly embracing this divine essence within us, we unlock an even deeper connection with our inherent self-worth. This sacred journey paves the way for a life of boundless abundance and profound fulfillment.

In our pursuit of self-discovery, we find inspiration in the timeless wisdom of powerful goddesses such as Bridgid, who embodies the transformative power of healing and Kali, who symbolizes the potent force of transformation, beckoning us to shed our egos. Kali has become the guiding light on the ultimate path of liberation and spiritual freedom.

Embrace the same profound transformative power that resides within you. All women possess an inherent divinity that is waiting to be fully awakened. Embrace your true potential and ignite a spark within yourself that illuminates your own path and those around you.

Embrace the whispers of the goddesses who have come before us as they guide you towards your true purpose. Let us honour them by honouring ourselves and each other.

May these words resonate and ignite a flame. As we uplift and uphold one another, we create a world where the power of the goddesses continues to illuminate our lives.

Keep shining brightly as the radiant goddess you are, for the world needs your light now more than ever.

by Jenn Silvaggi