Stepping Into Your Feminine Energy
Feminine energy is about trusting the infinite wisdom within and allowing oneself to flow with the co-creation process. It's knowing that answers are only found by being genuinely present and surrendering to the unknown, knowing we have everything we need within (our wisdom is infinite).
Jenn Silvaggi
8/20/20244 min read

Stepping Into Your Feminine Energy
Whenever we approach a full moon, I re-evaluate my intentions and desires. The full moon reminds me that there is a new opportunity to hit the refresh button and reassess what I am focusing my energy on. This time catalyzes personal growth and transformation, for when the moon illuminates the night sky, it highlights the hidden corners of our minds and hearts.
The beauty of the moon's ethereal light reminds us of our own luminosity and the infinite possibilities that await us. The light calls us to reconnect with our true selves and embrace our feminine power, allowing it to guide us home toward our highest potential. This cosmic alignment also invites us to shed old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve our evolution. It's a time to nurture dreams, plant seeds, and cultivate courage to become authentic.
By aligning our hearts with the moon's gentle wisdom, we open ourselves to profound healing and spiritual awakening. It is our opportunity to rise, shine, and manifest the lives we've always imagined.
What Does Tapping Into Our Feminine Energy Mean?
Feminine energy is about trusting the infinite wisdom within and allowing oneself to flow with the co-creation process. It's knowing that answers are only found by being genuinely present and surrendering to the unknown, knowing we have everything we need within (our wisdom is infinite). We all carry an inherent gift to create the magical life we long for.
How Do We Tap Into Feminine Energy?
The first step is allowing life to be in flow. Letting go of the need to control the outcome, and trust in the process whilst loving doing so.
Many of us think we must "work hard" for our success, meaning our efforts must align with our dreams' scale. Moreover, our achievements would be more significant if we had had scars for it. Being in feminine energy means letting go of that belief.
When we embrace our feminine energy, we tap into our innate creativity, creating ease and opening the doors to possibilities unconsidered. This shift in perspective doesn't mean we become passive; instead, it encourages us to work smarter. We learn to value our well-being as much as our accomplishments, understanding that true success encompasses both our inner peace and outer achievements.
Trusting Our Intuition
Embrace your intuition and inner wisdom. Listen to that quiet voice within, guiding you towards your true path and purpose. Trust your instincts and honour your emotional intelligence.
What often leads to the most significant breakthroughs is stepping back, allowing ourselves to breathe, and trusting in our knowing. The manifestation of our dreams comes from looking inward and taking inspired action. If we examine the word "inspiration," we find that it simply means "in spirit." When we act in spirit, we align with our true beliefs and what is authentically important to us.
Be Open to Co-Creation:
Know that you are in creation with the universe, God, and source. Be open to the help around you, as we are never alone in achieving our dreams.
Historically, women collaborated with other women in their communities. They believed they were stronger together. It was communities that raised children while supporting their own in all endeavours.
Stepping into our divine feminine power means nurturing relationships and connections by fostering compassion, empathy, and understanding in interactions with others. When we do this, we create a supportive network that uplifts and empowers.
Know When To Hold Space for Yourself:
Allow stillness to grow. Most answers to our questions come when we listen to our quiet voice. Find time to meditate and practice deep breathing. Listen to your body and know when to pause. Create healthy boundaries for you and your family. Know when to say no before reaching your threshold. Holding space also means allowing yourself time and grace. Not all problems need to be solved immediately. Being in our feminine power also means adapting at a slower pace, allowing our bodies and minds to remain in a state of calm and peace.
Allow Yourself to Feel All Your Emotions:
There is a saying: keep calm and carry on. Some interpret this as brushing feelings under the carpet. This connotation implies that we need to toughen up.
Part of embracing our feminine energy is allowing yourself to experience all your emotions, even those you view as unfavourable. Unfavourable emotions are often just signaling you to take action in your life. If we understand this, we take away the fear. Permit yourself to experience all of your feelings. Think of your feelings as a messenger that better directs you. Prioritize your signals without assigning a negative value to them. The more you practice working through an emotion, the better you will get at it.
Embrace all the characteristics that femininity brings.
Operating from a state of love is the definition of femininity. Women love, they are loved, they model love, and they can achieve anything simply by operating from this state of gratitude. Gratitude generates the feeling of limitless opportunities.
There is no waiting for more because we have everything we need and are confident that the universe provides. When we are in a state of gratitude, we show the universe that we are ready for more.
To Summarize:
1. Let go of the need for perfectionism and control. Trust in yourself and the process, and watch as things unfold.
2. Manifestation requires teamwork. You are a co-creator. There is no need to know the "how." Your job is to visualize and take inspired action.
3. Exercise self-compassion. You do not have to do it all. Our ancestors created communities for a reason.
by Jenn Silvaggi