Is Procrastination Keeping You From Turning Your Dreams Into Reality?

Is Procrastination Keeping You From Turning Your Dreams Into Reality? Imagine if JK Rowling procrastinated on writing her first Harry Potter book. Where would Oprah be today if she put off on starting her own talk show?

Hellen Buttigieg

11/22/20232 min read

Is Procrastination Keeping You From Turning Your Dreams Into Reality?

Imagine if JK Rowling procrastinated on writing her first Harry Potter book.

Where would Oprah be today if she put off on starting her own talk show?

Image if Lady Gaga procrastinated on releasing her debut album because of the multiple rejections she faced from record labels.

These individuals have taken significant leaps in life to achieve success and turn their big dreams into reality.

And out there in the field of possibilities, there are so many other creative souls - just as talented, or even more talented, than those we consider famous. Maybe you are one of them.

The one thing that separates those who realize their vision, and those who feel stuck and live with the regrets, is . . . action. Taking that leap of faith. Leaning into their fear . . . of success, of failure, of being ‘not good enough’.

Of course, everyone’s vision of success is unique and may or may not include being rich and famous; yet all are just as important and can impact the world in a positive way. Which is why we have a responsibility (to ourselves and those around us) to break free from the shackles of procrastination and begin to take steps towards pursuing our dreams.

Do you believe celebrities never struggle with self-doubt? Of course they do. Doesn’t everyone? But self-doubt can be managed. It comes from a thought - what we think of ourselves - and thoughts can be changed. And it doesn’t have to be hard.

Consciously becoming aware of the thoughts that keep us stuck in the mud of procrastination is difficult - because they don’t live there. These negative thoughts live in the subconscious mind, with the intention of protecting us from danger. The intention is positive. The behaviour though, is not.

How can you change a habit like procrastination if you don’t really know what’s causing it - the root cause?

The great thing is you don’t have to know to change it

If you can gain access to the subconscious mind, where all those thoughts are stored, you can just let go of the negative thoughts and emotions that can immobilize you. You can do it quickly and easily - if you just work with yourself and not against yourself.

I guide my clients through the process of deleting the old programming and reinstalling more positive thoughts, which can lead to overcoming procrastination once and for all. I’ve worked with celebrities who want to catapult their career, entrepreneurs who want to take their business to the next level, and moms who just want to get a good nights’ sleep so they can be present for their families. And I’ve seen incredible shifts.

This inspired me to create a meditation that everyone can access now, as a way to add some rocket fuel to the realization of magical dreams.

It’s my gift to you. I encourage you to it every night as you drift off to sleep, in the morning as you are coming out of your dream-like state, or any other part of your day when you want a motivational boost. It’s short - only about 10 minutes - but if you commit to listening to it consistently, you can eliminate procrastination and begin to share your talents and gifts with everyone around you - in no time. Just imagine the possibilities.

by Hellen Buttigieg