Get to know Wendy Cockburn

Wendy Cockburn

For over 25 years I have studied and practiced a variety of holistic health and wellness methods.

Specializing in working with women, I bring you a wealth of knowledge, experience and a comprehensive approach that weaves together all of the different modalities I offer: Energy Healing, Holistic Coaching, Shamanic Healing.

Join Wendy's Somatic & Shamanic class on Tuesday at 8:30 a.m.

As you move into the closing day of this Restorative Retreat, please join me in somatic movement and experience this gentle and resonating way to feel your body, tend your nervous system and shift innocuous energy that is ready to move.

Once you have shaken up, shaken out and shaken off the energy that wants to be released, I will guide you into a beautiful Shamanic Journey; an Imran, a Celtic Journey, with the intention of sealing in the beauty and medicine of your retreat.

Shamanic journey is an experience of direct revelation ~ where your imagination and curiosity lead the way.

I drum (a percussive beat allowing your mind to enter into theta state) and I narrate the journey to guide you safely into your personal experience.

We close with gentle movement, breath and embodiment and move towards a gorgeous breakfast and the rest of your day as you transition from retreat to reality with your gifts sealed into your being.


~ Movement for Trauma Practitioner: Somatic Experiencing.

~ Jungian Somatic practitioner

~ Celtic Shamanic Practitioner

~ Energy Therapy Technique

~ Trauma informed Meditation, movement and practice.

~ Health & Life Coach With International Coaching Federation

~ transformative Coach

~ Nervous System Nutrition

~ Trauma informed Yoga Teacher 250hrs

Visit Wendy's website HERE.