Filling Your Emotional Cup

Connecting to others is a really healthy thing to focus on this holiday season.

Julie Cass

12/8/20232 min read

Filling the emotional cup has to do with connecting inward to self and also connecting with people that you love.

It's connecting in a way where it's quality time, not quantity necessarily, but quality time, meaning there is engagement.

Sometimes it's hard for us to take time to do that because we get caught up in the rat race of the To Do List.

I had this moment yesterday. One of my most beautiful people in my life is my aunt, who I always say is like my angel's wings. I went over and said I was going to come and have a quick visit. I didn't have time to stay for lunch.

But she was filling my emotional cup. I was filling her emotional cup. And that nagging voice of "Oh my gosh, Julie, you have to get this done; you have to get that done." But in that moment, just hitting the pause button and asking, "What is the most important thing in this moment right now?"

The To Do List can wait, filling the emotional cup and connecting with someone I love is actually the most important thing. And so when we give ourselves permission to do that, it is amazing how it literally changes not only the course of our day, but I really actually believe it is healing energy that we allow ourselves to feel in our body, is filling the emotional cup.

I've asked my clients because this is the theme this week. "What do you do to fill your emotional cup"? For many people, it's connecting even with your pets or your animals. It's connecting in nature. It's quiet time. Maybe it's journaling, meditation.

Connection fills your emotional cup, so connect to self, and connecting to others is a really healthy thing to focus on this holiday season.

The To Do's are important, but the To Do's when your emotional cup is filled first because you've made yourself a priority. Well, that's magic!

So enjoy this holiday season. Fill your emotional cup!

by Julie Cass

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