Can a Mindset Reset Change Your Life?

How one Hypnosis Healer Facilitator went from self-doubt and feeling unworthy, to shifting her self-perception to one of greater confidence and empowerment.

Hellen Buttigieg

2/1/20242 min read

a person holding a camera and looking into the cameraa person holding a camera and looking into the camera

Have you ever been in a situation where you initially doubted your ability to perform a task? Perhaps it was new or outside your comfort zone?

I remember the first time I went to a Toastmasters meeting. (If you’re not familiar with Toastmasters, it’s an organization that teaches public speaking through a network of clubs). I had been a stay at home mom for about 10 years at the time, and the room was filled mostly with government professionals that worked in the building. I went there because a friend had told me it was a great (and free) way to boost confidence (which had whittled away over the last decade), and I was curious. I thought I was there just to observe but I was taken by surprised when they asked me to speak. I could hear my inner critic saying nasty things that were making me doubt my decision to go. I was questioning my ability to put words together that would make any sense at all. What could I say that these smart-looking people with good jobs would possibly be interested in hearing?

It was too late to make a run for the exit (I think they blocked it just for moments like this anyway). So I got up and said something. I couldn’t tell you what. All I remember is my heart pounding as if it was going to leap out of my chest, my face burning up and my mouth full of cotton.

After my time was up (yes, they timed it), I sat back down, relieved that it was over yet convinced that I made a fool of myself.

At the end of the meeting, those same professionals handed me pieces of paper with positive feedback on my talk. They acknowledged what an accomplishment it was even just to show up. And then to speak - they had me convinced I had done something truly incredible.

I experienced a powerful perspective shift that day. I went from doubting myself and feeling unworthy of being heard, to shifting my self-perception to one of greater confidence and empowerment. The next time I went to the meeting, I walked in like someone who belonged at the table. I stood a little straighter, I made more eye contact and I smiled more.

That mindset shift has changed my life. It has enabled me to make so many of my most audacious dreams a reality - like hosting a hit TV show, speaking to audiences across North America and facilitating transformative women’s retreats.

I share this pivotal experience to show that things are never as frightening as they first appear. The way I was seeing the situation was not how it actually was. People did care - and wanted to hear what I had to say. The world didn’t end. No one died. I didn’t pass out

Perspective is everything. If we can zoom out and see the big picture, the situation suddenly becomes less overwhelming. It gives us a sense of inner peace and puts our minds at ease.

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Wayne Dyer

When we are stressed, its not always possible to see things clearly. Emotions can cloud our vision, making it hard to take action. But when we’re not moving forward, we are stuck. And although we may feel more comfortable staying exactly where we are, it doesn’t serve us in the long run….because like a flower, if we’re not growing, we’re dying.

To help you shift your perspective and gain clarity, I have created a powerful MindSet Reset Meditation, which you can find here:

With love,

Hellen Buttigieg